Key Projects:
MIT Auto Parts; 2021; R21 000 000
Design of medium & low voltage electrical system to suit tenant requirements for 55 000m2 distribution centre and office building; including distribution boards, lighting and small power
Hill on Empire Office Parks; 2015 – Current (2 of 4 buildings completed); R54 000 000 to date
Design of medium & low voltage electrical systems to suit tenant requirements for 35 000m2 energy efficient office buildings; including distribution boards, lighting, small power, fire detection systems etc.
Monte Circle Office Park; 2015 – Current (5 of 10 buildings completed); R56 000 000 to date
Design of medium & low voltage electrical systems to suit tenant requirements for 77 000m2 4 star green design rated office buildings; including distribution boards, lighting, small power, fire detection systems, access control, CCTV systems and generator systems.